About Our Leagues

Lindsay Curling Club offers a variety of competitive and social leagues for Womens, Mens and Mixed teams:

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2 0n 2 Stick League
Monday 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am
Convenors: Mary Ellen Gerster
Gail Pillsworth

Each team is comprised of two players regardless of gender. One member of each team stays at each end of the rink and must not cross center ice, except when a time out is called. The two delivering curlers alternately deliver six stones each per end while their teammates skip that end, then the roles are reversed.

All games are six ends and can be played within one hour. Each stone must be delivered with a delivery stick and the only sweeping allowed is from the hog line in at the away end. The first three stones delivered in any end may not be removed from play before delivery of the fourth stone of that end.

Day Women
Monday 1:15pm
Thursday 9:30am & 12:15pm
Marg Preston, Nancy McKague
Bev McMillan, Sharon Panchuk

The Day Women’s Section is made up of curling on Monday afternoon and Thursday morning. When there are more than 12 teams on Thursday, some games will be scheduled after lunch.

It is open to all women who are members of the club. This league gives women an opportunity to curl in a relaxed, non competitive atmosphere , giving new members a chance to interact and socialize with other curlers.

Thursday curling is followed by lunch, provided by members on a rotating basis; there is a small fee collected for lunch.

We are always happy to have new members. New and experienced curlers are most welcome.

Monday Men
Monday 7:00pm
Convenor: Matt English

This league consists of three schedules of seven games each. At the end of seven games new teams are drawn from a pool of players. The levels of skill range from beginner to experienced and all curlers are welcomed to participate in one, two or all three schedules.

At the end of the year, the three teams that have won their respective schedules, along with a wild card team, curl in a two-game playoff to determine a men’s champion.

Points for each curler are recorded. At the end of the year these points are tallied and an All-Star team of a lead, second, third and skip are announced at the year-end Men’s Banquet.

Women's Skips Entry
Tuesday 1:15pm
Convenors: Wendy Hill, Sue Ledoux

The Women's Section Skips Entry has been traditionally held on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 pm. Any fully paid member of the Lindsay Curling Club and belonging to any schedule is allowed to enter a team or belong to a team.

In September, skips enter a team for the event on registration night. A member who wishes to enter as a rover may also sign up, and is encouraged to do so - spares are needed through out the year. Each team will play together for the full schedule, which runs from October to March. Games are scored on a win-loss basis.

The winner of the Kawartha Sod Trophy will be the team with the highest point total at the end of the schedule in March. If there is a tie for the top position at the end of the regular schedule a single playoff game will determine the winner.

The winning team of the Women's Section Skips Entry is eligible to take part in the Dominion Club Championship held in October of the following curling season. This team and the highest-ranking Women's team from the Thursday Night Skip Entry will playoff to determine the Women's Club Champion and earn the right to enter the above-mentioned OCA competition.

Tuesday Evening Women
Tuesday 6:45
Convenors: Tracy Hiddink,
Kelly James, Sandy Lowe

The Tuesday Night Women’s League plays every Tuesday evening at 6:45 pm. Our league’s goal is to provide the best balance of fun, competition and skill development. Members join on an individual basis and are assigned a playing position (lead, second, vice or skip) based on their skill level and indicated preference. At times, some player repositioning may be necessary in order to complete teams for each draw.

Teams are shuffled for a total of 3 sponsored draws per season, allowing everyone the opportunity to play with new team members and to meet people.

There are end of season playoffs between the winners of each draw, along with an all-star team consisting of the players who have accumulated the most points at each position over the course of the season. The season is then completed with the final game being played on our Club Championship night.

There is a bonspiel hosted by our league every March which is open to outside clubs, a Christmas curling evening, as well as an end of the year Fun-Spiel. If you are not able to commit to every Tuesday night, we welcome you to sign up as a spare.

Major League Competitive
Wednesday 7:30
Convenor: Jim Scott

The Inter-Club is a team entry league open to all active members of local curling clubs, and for quite a number of years this league has been sponsored by Lindsay Dry Cleaners.

Games are played on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm. The league typically starts mid October and concludes mid-to-late February, and is restricted to 12 teams on a first-come first-served basis. Entry fees are by teams, with prize moneys distributed following a round robin and playoff format.

The composition of the team can be in any format: all male, all female, or mixed in any combination. This is a skip’s entry competitive league generally appealing to teams wanting to enhance their competitiveness in preparation for their own league play and other competitions.

Note: All team members must be registered and active playing members of a curling club throughout the curling season of play.

Click here for League Rules

For more information, please contact Jim Scott: donna.scott2@sympatico.ca

Thursday Skips Entry
Thursday 6:45pm & 9:00pm
Convenor: Wendy Findlay

The Thursday Night Skip's Entry league is a league that is open to any member of the club. Game times alternate between 6:45pm and 9pm draws.

It is a Team entry league - the composition of the teams can be of any format: all male, all female, or mixed.

Some of the teams that may be interested in this league include: • Curlers that simply want to play with their friends or family. • Younger teams - Bantam/Junior aged teams may find this a great league to gain the valuable experience required to take their game to the next level. • Teams that are competing in play-downs and wish to play in the open league as preparation for their competitions.

Round robin format, using the ladder system to determine winners of 4 different events, A, B, C, D.

Curl & Dine
Friday 2:30pm & 4:15pm
Convenors: Brian & Val LeFort
Wes & Doreen Lane

Our Curl and Dine league is mixed curling played on Friday afternoons/evenings and features a 6-end game followed by ordered-in food for the early draw, and a sit-down meal for the later draw.

Curl and Dine is appropriate for players of all skill levels and with the focus on the social aspect of mixed curling and is non-competitive. We play 3 schedules throughout the season and teams are changed each schedule to promote a fun, light-hearted evening.

Social Mixed Curling
Friday 7:00pm & 8:30pm
Convenor: Deanna Keeler,
Susan Morris, Sandra Mairs
We invite new and experienced curlers to start their weekend off right and join us for a night of fun in this non-competitive league. All are welcome! Curlers can enter as a team, a couple or as a single curler. Teams will rotate through 2 draws from week to week (7 pm and 8:30pm) and there are two schedules per season. Two mini-spiels will be held throughout the season, typically on the last night of each schedule. Should you be looking for any further information on this league, feel free to reach out to the club at lindsaycurlingclub@cogeco.net.

Good curling!

Tue, Fri 9:30am,
Wed, Thu 1:30pm
Convenors: Doug Murray

You don’t have to be a “stick curler”, and you don’t have to be retired; there are two overlapping activities available to our Senior curlers, aged 50 or more.

In-house games for men and women of any skill level
Tuesday morning, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, and Friday afternoon, teams are drawn up 15 minutes before game-time, from everyone present; with no on-going commitment to a single team or schedule.

Kawartha Senior Men’s Curling League
There are ten clubs, as near as Omemee, and as far away as Campbellford.
Each club hosts a bonspiel ( 2 games, with dinner ) inviting teams from all the other clubs.
Each club hosts three teams from each of the other clubs, in turn, for a set of “friendly” matches.
Skips choose their own teams from among the seniors, and a list of rovers is kept.
There is a trophy for the top scoring club in the “friendlies”

Little Rock
Sunday 9:30am
Sunday 11:00am
Convenor: Mike Smith

Our focus is on Fun, Friendship, Etiquette and Safety while teaching curling skills that will last a lifetime. This season’s coach is Mike Smith, looking forward to a great season of exciting curling.

LITTLE ROCKS (Sunday 09:30 am – 10:30 am)
This is for young children who have never curled before or have limited experience.
Each week curlers will learn new skills at his/her own pace; rock delivery, sweeping, rules and even etiquette. Little Rockers will be introduced to curling using youth sized rocks and will soon advance to regulation rocks. All Little Rock bonspiels use full size rocks.
The youth will get more personalized attention in this session as we have high school youth helping coach. At the recommendation of the instructors the youth may move up to the "Junior" level if they wish.

JUNIORS (Sunday 11:00 – 1:00pm)
This is for those that have one year of curling experience and can deliver a curling stone the length of the ice (most of the time). The focus will be on improving delivery skills (weight control, hitting the target), sweeping (judging weight, communication), positions and team interaction (everyone will get a chance to play each position), and strategy (what do I call). The session is broken down into skill development, followed by teams playing a 4 or 6-end game.

For the more experienced youth who have a consistent delivery we recommend signing up as a spare for the adult evening leagues: Monday night Mens, Tuesday night Ladies, and Friday night Mixed. These leagues always need spares, and it gives you a chance to practice more. Don’t worry about age. Talk to Mike if you are interested.

NOTE:For those that are attending high school, it is possible to get volunteer hours by helping with the morning session, or by helping with events at the club (bonspiels, steak nights, Champions night). Please contact Mike if you are interested.

Special Olympics
Monday 3:30pm
Convenor: Finni Verbik

Join our Special Olympics Hardrockers Curling team!

We meet on Mondays @ 3:45 pm and play till 5 pm. We invite all special needs athletes who are ice capable. All you need is a willingness to learn, some warm clothes and a clean pair of shoes.

Specially trained coaches will teach you the sport of curling. We finish off with a game and always have an enormous amount of fun.

Our curlers have all levels of capability and have done extremely well in competitions. We have been to Provincials and Nationals and brought home Silver and Gold.

We also have fun 'spiels, where everyone is a winner!

The cost is minimal and a great way to put in the Winter.

Sponsors - Women's' Shields
Anita AllenMonday Afternoon Women's - 1st Schedule
Dianne’s Country CookingMonday Afternoon Women's - 2nd Schedule
Noreen MooreMonday Afternoon Women's - 3rd Schedule
Marg PrestonThursday Morning Women's - 1st Schedule
Gladys HarrisThursday Morning Women's - 2nd Schedule
Nancy McKagueThursday Morning Women's - 3rd Schedule